Organic structure functions

Organic and functional structure..

This section details the main functions performed by Xesgalicia.

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Xesgalicia is a management company of venture capital entities and closed-type collective investment entities, whose purpose is the management of funds destined to finance Galician business development by taking temporary and minority stakes in the share capital of companies, as well as by granting loans, generally of a participatory nature, to invested and non-owned companies.
Depending on the type of companies targeted for investment and their investment projects, different lines of action are established, which are channeled through the respective funds and entities managed:

SODIGA GALICIA, S.C.R., S.A.: This venture capital company is intended to support the Galician business fabric by taking temporary stakes in the capital of Galician companies, or in which their profits flow directly or indirectly into Galicia, or by facilitating participatory or ordinary loans. In addition, the company may invest in other venture capital entities. 

Within this framework, Sodiga will financially support those companies that, having high growth potential, are or will be managed by entrepreneurs of recognized professional capacity and solvency. Likewise, the  Company's investment policy will focus on maintaining a diversified portfolio of shares, with an adequate rotation of investments.
GALICIA COMPITE, FICC: This fund is intended to support the Galician business community by taking temporary stakes in the capital of Galician companies, or in which their profits flow directly or indirectly into Galicia, or by facilitating participatory or ordinary loans. In addition, the fund may invest in other venture capital entities.
In this sense, with regard to its investments, the fund is oriented towards business projects for the promotion, development and consolidation of the economy and industry of Galicia, and/or those projects that undertake novel activities and/or apply new technologies.
Since 2021, its main lines of action are:
- The "Transformation Line": a new financing line to provide financial support and contribute to the reactivation of companies in the current economic context marked by Covid-19.
- The launch of a public-private investment fund
- The financing of operations under the new “Next Generation EU” funds from the European Union.
GALICIA INNOVA TECH FICC: This fund is intended to finance investments in projects of a markedly innovative nature, with special attention to projects that result from the potential valorization of the knowledge generated by the different agents of the Galician R&D&I system.
GALICIA INICIATIVAS EMPRENDEDORAS, FICC: This fund is aimed at seed-starting business projects, with the following objectives:
- Promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit and financial support for entrepreneurial initiatives.
- Creation and development of a Galician network of individual investors.
ADIANTE 2000, F.C.R., en liquidación: This venture capital fund was aimed at financing companies in need of financial and management support, although it is currently in the liquidation phase.
In the current crisis and post-crisis situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, actions aimed at mobilizing resources to promote the recovery of economic activity and employment, as well as the promotion of the main sectors of the economy, are of particular importance. Galician, taking into account the strategic objectives of the Xunta de la Galicia.